GN = {}
Config = {}
-- Set the script in debug mode (not recomended in prod. server)
Config.Debug = false
-- Set the current script lenguage
Config.Locale = 'en'
-- Supported: qb-core, esx
-- if you are using custom ones you can edit the bridge code
-- in the folder /src/bridge/*.lua
Config.Framework = "qb-core"
-- Supported: ox_target, qb-target
-- to disable target set to false, but ths can cause more resmon usage
-- whikle being robbed due to coords check and distances
Config.Target = "ox_target"
-- Supported: qb-inventory, ox_inventory, default_esx
-- if you are using custom ones you can edit the bridge code
-- in the folder /src/bridge/*.lua
Config.Inventory = "ox_inventory"
-- Set to false if using qbcore in-build cash and "qb-inventory" as inventory
-- if oy are using money item in qb-inventory set to true.
-- if you are using any other inventory dosnt matters
Config.QBMoneyItem = false
-- Money account for reciving the money
Config.Money = "cash"
-- Configuration of the police jobs
Config.Cops = {
-- Polce require to sell
["required"] = 1,
-- Police jobs
["jobs"] = {
-- Configuration of the chances
-- Important: chances must sum in total 100
Config.Chances = {
["sell"] = 60,
["refuse"] = 30;
["scam"] = 10,
-- Custom refuse notfications
Config.Refuse = {
"I'm sorry, I'm not interested.",
"I'm not interested, thank you.",
"I don't want to buy anything.",
"I don't want to buy that sh*t.",
"Go f*ck your self"
-- Configuration of the notification method
Config.Notify = function(msg, notifyType)
notifyType = notifyType or 'success'
title = Parse('noti_title'),
description = msg,
type = notifyType,
position = 'center-right',
-- The command and hotkey used by the script
Config.Usage = {
["command"] = "selldrugs",
["type"] = "keyboard",
["desc"] = "Start selling drugs",
["key"] = "H"
-- Configuration of the minimum and maximum sell amount
Config.Sells = {
["min"] = 1,
["max"] = 5
-- You can add here your script disppatch trgger
-- or make and execute command or just leave it empty for
-- disable disptach
Config.Dispatch = function(ped)
-- exports['ps-dispatch']:DrugSale()
ConfigSV = {}
--- Config for the Law of Supply and Demand check
Config.LoSD = {
-- The time in ms to check the rate
["time"] = 1,
--- Logs configuration for the server uses discord webhooks to send logs
--- Put the steamapi in the serer.cfg to see player steam id
ConfigSV.Logs = {
["enabled"] = false,
["webhook"] = "",
Last updated