-- Its recommened to view of documentation:
Config = {}
-- Enable or disable Debug prints on the F8 console
Config.Debug = true
-- Setup the mode of the script (realistic/arcade)
-- realistic: Player will need to set the gear in 1 to start driving and in R for go backward
-- arcade: Player will be able to move from R to 1 automatic and the same for go backwards
-- Important: The S will be able to use in both case for slow down
Config.Mode = "realistic"
-- Configuration of the Realistic Mode
Config.RealisticMode = {
-- Disabels the possibilty to decelerate using the S key
["DisableDeceleration"] = false,
-- If this is false, when the player enters a manual vehicle the start gear
-- at pressing the arrow up key will be 3 and player will need to down it
-- adding a the little realism of having to move the lever
["AdjustToOne"] = true,
-- Main configuration of the keys
Config.Keys = {
-- Move Keys
W = 71,
S = 72,
-- Change gear keys
GearUp = "UP", -- Arrow Up
GearDown = "DOWN" -- Arrow Down
-- Main configuration of the Modules
Config.Modules = {
-- How this time works: 1000ms = 1s
-- If the time is high, the probability will be lower and more optimised
-- If it is too short, it will be more likely to happen but will be less optimised.
["Sleep"] = 2000,
-- With this module the Tyres will explode (witd a chance) if the vehicle
-- revolutions are used without the correct gear.
["ExplodeTyres"] = {
["Enabled"] = false,
["Chance"] = 15,
-- With this module the car's engine will suddenly switch off at a configurable chance, thus stalling the car.
["VehicleStall"] = {
["Enabled"] = false,
["Chance"] = 15,
-- Configuration for the sound manage
Config.Sound = {
-- The options are: "nui", "custom" or "none" for disable.
["Method"] = "nui",
-- The configuratiion for the script
["Config"] = {
-- Volume of the sound
["Volume"] = 0.5
-- The configuration for the custom method
["Custom"] = function()
-- "DebugPrint" is a function of the script for debugging with Config.Debug
DebugPrint("Using my custom code")
-- Main configuration of the Vehicles. By default, it comes pre-configured with multiple low-cost cars.
Config.Vehicles = {
-- If you want to see the vehicles you can go to RageMP Website or FiveM Vehicles Website
-- To Add a vehicule just follow the structure bellow. Remember the car name not label.
-- All other cars have been removed in order to reduce the length of the documentation.
Last updated